path: root/src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c
diff options
authorLaurent Bercot <>2020-11-20 23:24:29 +0000
committerLaurent Bercot <>2020-11-20 23:24:29 +0000
commit5715c21a077ee1c2fe8957cb4adcea14fd2eda6b (patch)
treecf3e992dce2d426727b535703b0b73dbafb41dbb /src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c
parent1fea1f6ed53cae7f752c9a78271c7c8367b0ad03 (diff)
Refactor tls code to support ucspi-tls
That includes: - new architecture: the tls binary is now a child of the app instead of the other way around - the sbearssl_run engine now takes a post-handshake callback. This allows s6-tlsc and s6-tlsd to only exec into the app when the handshake succeeds (which was already the case with libressl). - new binaries s6-tlsc-io and s6-tlsd-io encapsulate the crypto code; they init and run the engine, connecting to 4 already open fds (stdin/stdout = network, argv[1] and argv[2] = local) - s6-tlsc is now a simple wrapper around s6-tlsc-io - s6-tlsd is now a simple wrapper around s6-tlsd-io - new binary: s6-ucspitlsd, which is also a wrapper around s6-tlsd-io, but differently: the parent execs the app which should be ucspi-tls-aware, the child waits for a command from the parent and execs into s6-tlsd-io if it receives it.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c b/src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c
index 923ac47..e26ba49 100644
--- a/src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c
+++ b/src/conn-tools/s6-tlsd.c
@@ -2,79 +2,73 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <skalibs/gccattributes.h>
#include <skalibs/types.h>
#include <skalibs/sgetopt.h>
#include <skalibs/strerr2.h>
-#include <skalibs/tai.h>
#include <skalibs/env.h>
#include <skalibs/djbunix.h>
-#include <s6-networking/config.h>
-#include <s6-networking/stls.h>
-#define s6tlsd stls_s6tlsd
-#include <s6-networking/sbearssl.h>
-#define s6tlsd sbearssl_s6tlsd
-#error No SSL backend configured.
+#include "s6tls-internal.h"
#define USAGE "s6-tlsd [ -S | -s ] [ -Y | -y ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -K timeout ] [ -Z | -z ] prog..."
#define dieusage() strerr_dieusage(100, USAGE)
-int main (int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp)
+static void child (int const [3][2], uint32_t, unsigned int, unsigned int) gccattr_noreturn ;
+static void child (int const p[3][2], uint32_t options, unsigned int verbosity, unsigned int kimeout)
+ int fds[3] = { p[0][0], p[1][1], p[2][1] } ;
+ PROG = "s6-tlsd (child)" ;
+ close(p[2][0]) ;
+ close(p[0][1]) ;
+ close(p[1][0]) ;
+ s6tls_drop() ;
+ s6tls_exec_tlsdio(fds, options, verbosity, kimeout) ;
+int main (int argc, char const *const *argv)
- tain_t tto ;
unsigned int verbosity = 1 ;
- uid_t uid = 0 ;
- gid_t gid = 0 ;
- uint32_t preoptions = 2 ;
- uint32_t options = 1 ;
+ unsigned int kimeout = 0 ;
+ int p[3][2] ;
+ uint32_t options = 0 ;
+ int cleanenv = 1 ;
+ pid_t pid ;
- PROG = "s6-tlsd" ;
+ PROG = "s6-tlsd (parent)" ;
subgetopt_t l = SUBGETOPT_ZERO ;
- unsigned int t = 0 ;
for (;;)
int opt = subgetopt_r(argc, argv, "SsYyv:K:Zz", &l) ;
if (opt == -1) break ;
switch (opt)
- case 'S' : options &= ~(uint32_t)1 ; break ;
- case 's' : options |= 1 ; break ;
- case 'Y' : preoptions |= 1 ; preoptions &= ~(uint32_t)4 ; break ;
- case 'y' : preoptions |= 5 ; break ;
+ case 'S' : options |= 4 ; break ;
+ case 's' : options &= ~4 ; break ;
+ case 'Y' : options |= 1 ; options &= ~2 ; break ;
+ case 'y' : options |= 3 ; break ;
case 'v' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &verbosity)) dieusage() ; break ;
- case 'K' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &t)) dieusage() ; break ;
- case 'Z' : preoptions &= ~(uint32_t)2 ; break ;
- case 'z' : preoptions |= 2 ; break ;
+ case 'K' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &kimeout)) dieusage() ; break ;
+ case 'Z' : cleanenv = 0 ; break ;
+ case 'z' : cleanenv = 1 ; break ;
default : dieusage() ;
argc -= l.ind ; argv += l.ind ;
- if (t) tain_from_millisecs(&tto, t) ; else tto = tain_infinite_relative ;
if (!argc) dieusage() ;
- if (!getuid())
+ if (pipe(p[0]) < 0 || pipe(p[1]) < 0 || pipe(p[2]) < 0)
+ strerr_diefu1sys(111, "pipe") ;
+ pid = fork() ;
+ switch (pid)
- char const *x = env_get2(envp, "TLS_UID") ;
- if (x && !uid0_scan(x, &uid)) strerr_dieinvalid(100, "TLS_UID") ;
- x = env_get2(envp, "TLS_GID") ;
- if (x && !gid0_scan(x, &gid)) strerr_dieinvalid(100, "TLS_GID") ;
+ case -1 : strerr_diefu1sys(111, "fork") ;
+ case 0 : child(p, options, verbosity, kimeout) ;
+ default : break ;
- tain_now_set_stopwatch_g() ;
- return s6tlsd(argv, envp, &tto, preoptions, options, uid, gid, verbosity) ;
+ s6tls_wait_and_exec_app(argv, p, pid, 0, 1, cleanenv ? 1 : 0) ;