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-<a href="index.html">dnsfunnel</a><br />
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-<h1> The <tt>dnsfunnel-daemon</tt> program </h1>
-<tt>dnsfunnel-daemon</tt> binds to a local UDP socket, drops its
-privileges, then executes into <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a>.
-It is the high-level entry point to invoke in scripts that want to launch
-<a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a>.
-<h2> Interface </h2>
- dnsfunnel-daemon [ -v verbosity ] [ -d notif ] [ -U | -u uid -g gid ] [ -i ip:port ] [ -R root ] [ -b bufsize ] [ -f cachelist ] [ -T | -t ] [ -N | -n ]
- <li> dnsfunnel-daemon creates a UDP inet domain socket and binds it
-to IPv4 address <em>ip</em> (normally and port <em>port</em>
-(normally 53). </li>
- <li> Depending on the options it has been given, it may chroot and lose
-privileges on its gid and uid. </li>
- <li> It execs into <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> with the
-UDP socket as its standard input. </li>
- The point of <tt>dnsfunnel-daemon</tt> is to separate the administrative
-operations of starting a daemon from the actual serving part, which is
-handled by <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a>.
-<h2> Exit codes </h2>
- <li> 100: wrong usage </li>
- <li> 111: system call failed </li>
- <li> 126: failed to exec <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> </li>
- <li> 127: could not find the <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> executable </li>
-<h2> Options </h2>
- <li> <tt>-v&nbsp;<em>verbosity</em></tt>&nbsp;: verbosity of the
-<a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> program. This option is passed as is
-to <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a>. Default is 1. 0 suppresses warning
-messages. Higher values may give more informational messages. </li>
- <li> <tt>-d&nbsp;<em>notif</em></tt>&nbsp;: readiness notification. This option
-is passed as is to <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a>, which will print a
-newline to descriptor <em>notif</em> when it is ready. Default is no readiness
-notification. </li>
- <li> <tt>-U</tt>&nbsp;: read an uid in the UID environment variable and a gid
-in the GID environment variable, and drop privileges to that uid/gid. </li>
- <li> <tt>-u&nbsp;<em>uid</em></tt>&nbsp;: drop privileges to numerical uid
-<em>uid</em>. </li>
- <li> <tt>-g&nbsp;<em>gid</em></tt>&nbsp;: drop privileges to numerical gid
-<em>gid</em>. </li>
- <li> <tt>-i&nbsp;<em>ip</em>:<em>port</em></tt>&nbsp;: bind the socket to
-IPv4 <em>ip</em> and port <em>port</em>. Default for <em>ip</em> is
-<tt></tt>; default for <em>port</em> is 53. </li>
- <li> <tt>-R&nbsp;<em>root</em></tt>&nbsp;: chroot to <em>root</em>. Note that
-this option only increases security if you also drop privileges. </li>
- <li> <tt>-b&nbsp;<em>bufsize</em></tt>&nbsp;: try and reserve a kernel buffer
-size of <em>bufsize</em> bytes for the socket. Default is 131072. If the given
-<em>bufsize</em> is 0, then <tt>dnsfunnel-daemon</tt> will use whatever the
-default is for your kernel. </li>
- <li> <tt>-f&nbsp;<em>cachelist</em></tt>&nbsp;: Use <em>cachelist</em> as the
-file that <a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> reads its cache addresses
-from. Default is <tt>/run/dnsfunnel-caches</tt>, or <em>file</em>
-if the <tt>--with-cachelist=<em>file</em></tt> option has been given to the
-configure script at build time. </li>
- The other options control the activation or deactivation of various
-<a href="dnsfunneld.html">dnsfunneld</a> features:
- <li> <tt>-T</tt>&nbsp;: Do not activate truncation of responses. This is
-the default. </li>
- <li> <tt>-t</tt>&nbsp;: If a DNS response is bigger than 510 bytes,
-truncate its last resource records until it fits into 510 bytes and can
-be sent in a UDP packet. </li>
- <li> <tt>-N</tt>&nbsp;: Do not activate nxdomain workaround. This is the
-default. </li>
- <li> <tt>-n</tt>&nbsp;: Activate nxdomain workaround. When receiving an A
-(resp. AAAA) query to forward, also make an AAAA (resp. A) query, and adjust
-the response accordingly. Some DNS servers incorrectly answer NXDOMAIN when
-they should just answer NODATA, and querying for another, existing, record
-type for the same domain allows dnsfunneld to tell the difference between a
-real NXDOMAIN (in which case that response is forwarded to the client) and
-an incorrect one (in which case NODATA is answered to the client instead). </li>
- <li> Other options may be added in the future. </li>