/* ISC license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tipidee-config-internal.h" #define dietoobig() strerr_diefu1sys(100, "read configuration") typedef struct mdt_s mdt, *mdt_ref ; struct mdt_s { size_t filepos ; uint32_t line ; char linefmt[UINT32_FMT] ; } ; #define MDT_ZERO { .filepos = 0, .line = 0, .linefmt = "0" } struct globalkey_s { char const *name ; char const *key ; uint32_t type ; } ; struct logkey_s { char const *name ; uint32_t value ; } ; enum token_e { T_BANG, T_GLOBAL, T_LOG, T_CONTENTTYPE, T_DOMAIN, T_NPHPREFIX, T_REDIRECT, T_CGI, T_NONCGI, T_NPH, T_NONNPH, T_BASICAUTH, T_NOAUTH, T_FILETYPE } ; struct directive_s { char const *s ; enum token_e token ; } ; static int keycmp (void const *a, void const *b) { return strcmp((char const *)a, ((struct directive_s const *)b)->s) ; } #define BSEARCH(type, key, array) bsearch(key, (array), sizeof(array)/sizeof(type), sizeof(type), (int (*)(void const *, void const *))&keycmp) static void check_unique (char const *key, mdt const *md) { confnode const *node = conftree_search(key) ; if (node) { char fmt[UINT32_FMT] ; fmt[uint32_fmt(fmt, node->line)] = 0 ; strerr_diefn(1, 11, "duplicate key ", key, " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, ", previously defined", " in file ", g.storage.s + node->filepos, " line ", fmt) ; } } static void add_unique (char const *key, char const *value, size_t valuelen, mdt const *md) { confnode node ; check_unique(key, md) ; confnode_start(&node, key, md->filepos, md->line) ; confnode_add(&node, value, valuelen) ; conftree_add(&node) ; } static inline void parse_global (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, mdt const *md) { static struct globalkey_s const globalkeys[] = { { .name = "cgi_timeout", .key = "G:cgi_timeout", .type = 0 }, { .name = "index_file", .key = "G:index_file", .type = 1 }, { .name = "max_cgi_body_length", .key = "G:max_cgi_body_length", .type = 0 }, { .name = "max_request_body_length", .key = "G:max_request_body_length", .type = 0 }, { .name = "read_timeout", .key = "G:read_timeout", .type = 0 }, { .name = "write_timeout", .key = "G:write_timeout", .type = 0 } } ; struct globalkey_s const *gl ; if (n < 2) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", "few", " arguments to directive ", "global", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; gl = BSEARCH(struct globalkey_s, s + word[0], globalkeys) ; if (!gl) strerr_dief6x(1, "unrecognized global setting ", s + word[0], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; switch (gl->type) { case 0 : /* 4 bytes */ { char pack[4] ; uint32_t u ; if (n > 2) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", "many", " arguments to global setting ", s + word[0], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!uint320_scan(s + word[1], &u)) strerr_dief6x(1, "invalid (non-numeric) value for global setting ", s + word[0], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; uint32_pack_big(pack, u) ; add_unique(gl->key, pack, 4, md) ; break ; } case 1 : /* argv */ { confnode node ; check_unique(gl->key, md) ; confnode_start(&node, gl->key, md->filepos, md->line) ; for (size_t i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) confnode_add(&node, s + word[i], strlen(s + word[i]) + 1) ; conftree_add(&node) ; break ; } } } static inline void parse_log (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, mdt const *md) { static struct logkey_s const logkeys[] = { { .name = "answer", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_ANSWER }, { .name = "answer_size", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_SIZE }, { .name = "debug", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_DEBUG }, { .name = "host_as_prefix", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_HOSTASPREFIX }, { .name = "hostname", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_CLIENTHOST }, { .name = "ip", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_CLIENTIP }, { .name = "nothing", .value = 0 }, { .name = "referrer", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_REFERRER }, { .name = "request", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_REQUEST }, { .name = "resource", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_RESOURCE }, { .name = "start", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_START }, { .name = "user-agent", .value = TIPIDEE_LOG_UA } } ; uint32_t v = 0 ; char pack[4] ; if (!n) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", "few", " arguments to directive ", "log", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { struct logkey_s const *l = BSEARCH(struct logkey_s, s + word[i], logkeys) ; if (!l) strerr_dief6x(1, "unrecognized log setting ", s + word[i], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (l->value) v |= l->value ; else if (n == 1) v = 0 ; else strerr_dief5x(1, "log nothing cannot be mixed with other log values", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; } uint32_pack_big(pack, v) ; add_unique("G:logv", pack, 4, md) ; } static inline void parse_contenttype (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, mdt const *md) { char const *ct ; if (n < 2) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", "few", " arguments to directive ", "content-type", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; ct = s + *word++ ; if (!strchr(ct, '/')) strerr_dief6x(1, "Content-Type must include a slash", " - check directive content-type", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; n-- ; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { size_t len = strlen(s + word[i]) ; char key[len + 2] ; if (s[word[i]] != '.') strerr_dief6x(1, "file extensions must start with a dot", " - check directive content-type", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; key[0] = 'T' ; key[1] = ':' ; memcpy(key + 2, s + word[i] + 1, len - 1) ; key[len + 1] = 0 ; add_unique(key, ct, strlen(ct) + 1, md) ; } } static inline void parse_redirect (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, char const *domain, size_t domainlen, mdt const *md) { static uint32_t const codes[4] = { 307, 308, 302, 301 } ; uint32_t code ; uint32_t i = 0 ; if (n != 3) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", n > 3 ? "many" : "few", " arguments to directive ", "redirect", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!domain) strerr_dief6x(1, "redirection", " without a domain directive", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (s[word[0]] != '/') strerr_dief5x(1, "redirected resource must start with /", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!uint320_scan(s + word[1], &code)) strerr_dief6x(1, "invalid redirection code ", s + word[1], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; for (; i < 4 ; i++) if (code == codes[i]) break ; if (i >= 4) strerr_dief6x(1, "redirection code ", "must be 301, 302, 307 or 308", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (strncmp(s + word[2], "http://", 7) && strncmp(s + word[2], "https://", 8)) strerr_dief5x(1, "redirection target must be a full http:// or https:// target", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; { confnode node ; size_t urlen = strlen(s + word[0]) ; char key[3 + domainlen + urlen] ; if (s[word[0] + urlen - 1] == '/') { key[0] = 'r' ; urlen-- ; } else key[0] = 'R' ; key[1] = ':' ; memcpy(key + 2, domain, domainlen) ; memcpy(key + 2 + domainlen, s + word[0], urlen) ; key[2 + domainlen + urlen] = 0 ; check_unique(key, md) ; confnode_start(&node, key, md->filepos, md->line) ; key[0] = '@' | i ; confnode_add(&node, &key[0], 1) ; urlen = strlen(s + word[2]) ; confnode_add(&node, s + word[2], urlen - (s[word[2] + urlen - 1] == '/')) ; confnode_add(&node, "", 1) ; conftree_add(&node) ; } } static void parse_bitattr (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, char const *domain, size_t domainlen, mdt const *md, unsigned int bit, int set) { static char const *const attr[3][2] = { { "noncgi", "cgi" }, { "nonnph", "nph", }, { "noauth", "basic-auth" } } ; uint8_t mask = (uint8_t)0x01 << bit ; if (n != 1) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", n > 1 ? "many" : "few", " arguments to directive ", attr[bit][set], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!domain) strerr_dief7x(1, "resource attribute ", "definition", " without a domain directive", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (s[*word] != '/') strerr_dief5x(1, "resource must start with /", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; { confnode const *oldnode ; size_t arglen = strlen(s + *word) ; char key[3 + domainlen + arglen] ; if (s[*word + arglen - 1] == '/') { key[0] = 'a' ; arglen-- ; } else key[0] = 'A' ; key[1] = ':' ; memcpy(key + 2, domain, domainlen) ; memcpy(key + 2 + domainlen, s + *word, arglen) ; key[2 + domainlen + arglen] = 0 ; oldnode = conftree_search(key) ; if (oldnode) if (g.storage.s[oldnode->data] & mask) { char fmt[UINT32_FMT] ; fmt[uint32_fmt(fmt, oldnode->line)] = 0 ; strerr_diefn(1, 13, "resource attribute ", attr[bit][set], " redefinition", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, "; previous definition", " in file ", g.storage.s + oldnode->filepos, " line ", fmt, " or later") ; } else { g.storage.s[oldnode->data] |= mask ; if (set) g.storage.s[oldnode->data + 1] |= mask ; else g.storage.s[oldnode->data + 1] &= ~mask ; } else { confnode node ; char val[3] = { mask, set ? mask : 0, 0 } ; confnode_start(&node, key, md->filepos, md->line) ; confnode_add(&node, val, 3) ; conftree_add(&node) ; } } } static inline void parse_filetype (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, char const *domain, size_t domainlen, mdt const *md) { if (n != 2) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", n > 2 ? "many" : "few", " arguments to directive ", "file-type", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!domain) strerr_dief7x(1, "file-type", " definition", " without a domain directive", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (s[word[0]] != '/') strerr_dief5x(1, "resource must start with /", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; { confnode const *oldnode ; size_t arglen = strlen(s + word[0]) ; char key[3 + domainlen + arglen] ; if (s[word[0] + arglen - 1] == '/') { key[0] = 'a' ; arglen-- ; } else key[0] = 'A' ; key[1] = ':' ; memcpy(key + 2, domain, domainlen) ; memcpy(key + 2 + domainlen, s + *word, arglen) ; key[2 + domainlen + arglen] = 0 ; oldnode = conftree_search(key) ; if (oldnode) { if (g.storage.s[oldnode->data] & 0x80) { char fmt[UINT32_FMT] ; fmt[uint32_fmt(fmt, oldnode->line)] = 0 ; strerr_diefn(1, 12, "file-type", " redefinition", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, "; previous definition", " in file ", g.storage.s + oldnode->filepos, " line ", fmt, " or later") ; } else { confnode node ; char val[2] = { g.storage.s[oldnode->data] | 0x80, g.storage.s[oldnode->data + 1] } ; confnode_start(&node, key, md->filepos, md->line) ; confnode_add(&node, val, 2) ; confnode_add(&node, s + word[1], strlen(s + word[1]) + 1) ; conftree_update(&node) ; } } else { confnode node ; char val[2] = { 0x80, 0x00 } ; confnode_start(&node, key, md->filepos, md->line) ; confnode_add(&node, val, 2) ; confnode_add(&node, s + word[1], strlen(s + word[1]) + 1) ; conftree_add(&node) ; } } } static inline void process_line (char const *s, size_t const *word, size_t n, stralloc *domain, mdt *md) { static struct directive_s const directives[] = { { .s = "!", .token = T_BANG }, { .s = "basic-auth", .token = T_BASICAUTH }, { .s = "cgi", .token = T_CGI }, { .s = "content-type", .token = T_CONTENTTYPE }, { .s = "domain", .token = T_DOMAIN }, { .s = "file-type", .token = T_FILETYPE }, { .s = "global", .token = T_GLOBAL }, { .s = "log", .token = T_LOG }, { .s = "no-auth", .token = T_NOAUTH }, { .s = "noncgi", .token = T_NONCGI }, { .s = "nonnph", .token = T_NONNPH }, { .s = "nph", .token = T_NPH }, { .s = "nph-prefix", .token = T_NPHPREFIX }, { .s = "redirect", .token = T_REDIRECT }, } ; struct directive_s const *directive ; char const *word0 ; if (!n--) return ; word0 = s + *word++ ; directive = BSEARCH(struct directive_s, word0, directives) ; if (!directive) strerr_dief6x(1, "unrecognized word ", word0, " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; switch (directive->token) { case T_BANG : { size_t len, r, w ; if (n != 2 || !uint320_scan(s + word[0], &md->line)) strerr_dief5x(101, "can't happen: invalid ! control directive", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; len = strlen(s + word[1]) ; if (!stralloc_readyplus(&g.storage, len + 1)) dienomem() ; if (!string_unquote(g.storage.s + g.storage.len, &w, s + word[1], len, &r)) strerr_dief7sys(101, "can't happen: unable to unquote ", s + word[1], " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, ", error reported is") ; g.storage.s[g.storage.len + w++] = 0 ; md->filepos = g.storage.len ; g.storage.len += w ; break ; } case T_GLOBAL : parse_global(s, word, n, md) ; break ; case T_LOG : parse_log(s, word, n, md) ; break ; case T_CONTENTTYPE : parse_contenttype(s, word, n, md) ; break ; case T_DOMAIN : if (n != 1) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", n > 1 ? "many" : "few", " arguments to directive ", "domain", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; domain->len = 0 ; if (!stralloc_cats(domain, s + *word)) dienomem() ; while (domain->len && (domain->s[domain->len - 1] == '/' || domain->s[domain->len - 1] == '.')) domain->len-- ; break ; case T_NPHPREFIX : if (n != 1) strerr_dief8x(1, "too ", n > 1 ? "many" : "few", " arguments to directive ", "nph-prefix", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (!domain->s) strerr_dief6x(1, "nph prefix definition", "without a domain directive", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; if (strchr(s + *word, '/')) strerr_dief5x(1, "invalid / in nph-prefix argument", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; { char key[3 + domain->len] ; key[0] = 'N' ; key[1] = ':' ; memcpy(key + 2, domain->s, domain->len) ; key[2 + domain->len] = 0 ; add_unique(key, s + *word, strlen(s + *word) + 1, md) ; } break ; case T_REDIRECT : parse_redirect(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md) ; break ; case T_CGI : parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 0, 1) ; break ; case T_NONCGI : parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 0, 0) ; break ; case T_NPH : parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 1, 1) ; break ; case T_NONNPH : parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 1, 0) ; break ; case T_BASICAUTH : strerr_warnw5x("file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, ": directive basic-auth not implemented in tipidee-" TIPIDEE_VERSION) ; parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 2, 1) ; break ; case T_NOAUTH : strerr_warnw5x("file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt, ": directive basic-auth not implemented in tipidee-" TIPIDEE_VERSION) ; parse_bitattr(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md, 2, 0) ; break ; case T_FILETYPE : parse_filetype(s, word, n, domain->s, domain->len, md) ; break ; } } static inline uint8_t cclass (char c) { switch (c) { case 0 : return 0 ; case ' ' : case '\t' : case '\f' : case '\r' : return 1 ; case '#' : return 2 ; case '\n' : return 3 ; default : return 4 ; } } static inline char next (buffer *b, mdt const *md) { char c ; ssize_t r = buffer_get(b, &c, 1) ; if (r == -1) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "read from preprocessor") ; if (!r) return 0 ; if (!c) strerr_dief5x(1, "null character", " in file ", g.storage.s + md->filepos, " line ", md->linefmt) ; return c ; } void conf_lexparse (buffer *b, char const *ifile) { static uint8_t const table[4][5] = /* see PARSING.txt */ { { 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0x33 }, { 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01 }, { 0x84, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0x33 }, { 0xc4, 0x42, 0x23, 0xc0, 0x23 } } ; stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ; genalloc words = GENALLOC_ZERO ; /* size_t */ stralloc domain = STRALLOC_ZERO ; mdt md = MDT_ZERO ; uint8_t state = 0 ; if (!stralloc_catb(&g.storage, ifile, strlen(ifile) + 1)) dienomem() ; while (state < 0x04) { char c = next(b, &md) ; uint8_t what = table[state][cclass(c)] ; state = what & 0x07 ; if (what & 0x10) if (!genalloc_catb(size_t, &words, &sa.len, 1)) dienomem() ; if (what & 0x20) if (!stralloc_catb(&sa, &c, 1)) dienomem() ; if (what & 0x40) if (!stralloc_0(&sa)) dienomem() ; if (what & 0x80) { process_line(sa.s, genalloc_s(size_t, &words), genalloc_len(size_t, &words), &domain, &md) ; genalloc_setlen(size_t, &words, 0) ; sa.len = 0 ; md.line++ ; md.linefmt[uint32_fmt(md.linefmt, md.line)] = 0 ; } } stralloc_free(&domain) ; genalloc_free(size_t, &words) ; stralloc_free(&sa) ; }