* Globals G:read_timeout -> 4 bytes exit if waiting on client input for read_timeout ms G:write_timeout -> 4 bytes die if waiting on flush to client for write_timeout ms G:cgi_timeout -> 4 bytes 504 if CGI hasn't finished answering / die if NPH hasn't finished reading G:max_request_body_length -> 4 bytes G:max_cgi_body_length -> 4 bytes G:index_file -> file1\0file2\0file3\0 list of files to attempt when URL is a directory They all need to exist, tipidee-config creates defaults. * Content-Type T:extension -> string T:pdf -> application/pdf or individual Content-Types in resource attributes tipidee-config hardcodes a number of default content-types, they can be overridden. * Individual redirection R:vres -> Xurl R:skarnet.org/rickroll.html -> Xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ X = '@' | redir_type (307=0, 308=1, 302=2, 301=3) * Prefix redirection r:prefix -> Xurlprefix r:s6.org -> Xhttps://skarnet.org/software/s6 X = '@' | redir_type (307=0, 308=1, 302=2, 301=3) * Resource attributes A:file -> Xstring X = '@' | 1 (iscgi) if string nonempty: it's the content-type for the resource. If empty, default ctype a:prefix -> Xstring same, but for prefixes * NPH prefixes N:domain -> nphprefix N:skarnet.org -> nph- any CGI under skarnet.org starting with nph