### Global definitions. # tipideed verbosity (overridden by the -v option). # 0 is quiet, 1 is normal, 2+ is verbose. # global verbosity 1 # tipideed will exit if the client does not send a new request # after N milliseconds. # 0 means no timeout. # global read_timeout 0 # tipideed will drop the connection if sending a response has # not completed after N milliseconds. # 0 means no timeout. # global write_timeout 0 # tipideed will answer 504 ("Gateway Timeout") if a CGI program # (including NPH) does not complete in N milliseconds. # 0 means no timeout. # global cgi_timeout 0 # tipideed will refuse to serve POST requests if the client-provided # data is larger than N bytes. # global max_request_body_length 8192 # tipideed will answer 502 ("Bad Gateway") if a CGI script's answer # is larger than N bytes. (does not apply to NPH scripts) # global max_cgi_body_length 4194304 # When the requested URL is a directory, tipideed will serve the first # existing file in this list. (Useful e.g. if you have an index.cgi program.) # global index_file index.html # tipidee, by default, will log basic information on the requests, # and the status and Content-Length of its answers. # log request answer answer_size # You can define your own Content-Type mappings by file extension. # The default mappings should work well for most servers. # content-type text/html .html .htm ### Definitions for the example.com domain # domain example.com # If a CGI script under the current domain starts with this prefix, # it will be considered a NPH script (non-parsable headers). # nph-prefix nph- # If uncommented: every file under that directory will be considered # a CGI script. # cgi /cgi-bin/ # You can also declare that individual files are CGI scripts. # cgi /index.cgi # If uncommented: every CGI script under that directory will be considered NPH. # nph /cgi-bin/nph/ # You can also declare that individual scripts are NPH. # nph /cgi-bin/basic.cgi # You can override the default Content-Type for individual files, # no matter what extension they have. # file-type /README text/plain # Redirect http://example.com/rickroll to a fan favorite video. # Make it temporary to avoid revealing the trick in the client. # redirect /rickroll 307 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ # Permanently redirect http://example.com/community/foobar... requests # to https://example.org/foobar... # redirect /community/ 308 https://example.org ### Definitions for the example.org domain # domain example.org # example.org has the same NPH prefix # nph-prefix nph- # example.org hosts CGI scripts in /cgi-bin as well # cgi /cgi-bin/