/* ISC license. */ #include #include #ifndef SKALIBS_FLAG_REPLACE_LIBC #include char const *error_str (register int i) { return (char const *)strerror(i) ; } #else #include #define X(e, s) case e : return s ; #define Y(e, s) if (i == e) return s ; char const *error_str (register int i) { Y(EWOULDBLOCK, "input/output would block") Y(EAGAIN, "temporary failure") Y(EINVAL, "invalid argument") switch (i) { X(0, "no error") X(EINTR, "interrupted system call") X(ENOMEM, "out of memory") X(ENOENT, "file does not exist") X(ETXTBSY, "text busy") X(EIO, "input/output error") X(EEXIST, "file already exists") X(ETIMEDOUT, "timed out") X(EINPROGRESS, "operation in progress") X(EPIPE, "broken pipe") X(EPERM, "permission denied") X(EACCES, "access denied") X(ENODEV, "device not configured") X(EPROTO, "protocol error") X(EISDIR, "is a directory") X(ECONNREFUSED, "connection refused") X(ENOTDIR, "not a directory") X(ENOTSOCK, "not a socket") X(EDOM, "input out of range") X(ENOBUFS, "out of buffer space") #ifdef ESRCH X(ESRCH, "no such process") #endif #ifdef E2BIG X(E2BIG, "argument list too long") #endif #ifdef ENOEXEC X(ENOEXEC, "exec format error") #endif #ifdef EBADF X(EBADF, "file descriptor not open") #endif #ifdef ECHILD X(ECHILD, "no child processes") #endif #ifdef EDEADLK X(EDEADLK, "operation would cause deadlock") #endif #ifdef EFAULT X(EFAULT, "bad address") #endif #ifdef ENOTBLK X(ENOTBLK, "not a block device") #endif #ifdef EBUSY X(EBUSY, "device busy") #endif #ifdef EXDEV X(EXDEV, "cross-device link") #endif #ifdef ENFILE X(ENFILE, "system cannot open more files") #endif #ifdef EMFILE X(EMFILE, "process cannot open more files") #endif #ifdef ENOTTY X(ENOTTY, "not a tty") #endif #ifdef EFBIG X(EFBIG, "file too big") #endif #ifdef ENOSPC X(ENOSPC, "out of disk space") #endif #ifdef ESPIPE X(ESPIPE, "unseekable descriptor") #endif #ifdef EROFS X(EROFS, "read-only file system") #endif #ifdef EMLINK X(EMLINK, "too many links") #endif #ifdef ERANGE X(ERANGE, "output out of range") #endif #ifdef EALREADY X(EALREADY, "operation already in progress") #endif #ifdef EDESTADDRREQ X(EDESTADDRREQ, "destination address required") #endif #ifdef EMSGSIZE X(EMSGSIZE, "message too long") #endif #ifdef EPROTOTYPE X(EPROTOTYPE, "incorrect protocol type") #endif #ifdef ENOPROTOOPT X(ENOPROTOOPT, "protocol not available") #endif #ifdef EPROTONOSUPPORT X(EPROTONOSUPPORT, "protocol not supported") #endif #ifdef ESOCKTNOSUPPORT X(ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "socket type not supported") #endif #ifdef EOPNOTSUPP X(EOPNOTSUPP, "operation not supported") #endif #ifdef EPFNOSUPPORT X(EPFNOSUPPORT, "protocol family not supported") #endif #ifdef EAFNOSUPPORT X(EAFNOSUPPORT, "address family not supported") #endif #ifdef EADDRINUSE X(EADDRINUSE, "address already used") #endif #ifdef EADDRNOTAVAIL X(EADDRNOTAVAIL, "address not available") #endif #ifdef ENETDOWN X(ENETDOWN, "network down") #endif #ifdef ENETUNREACH X(ENETUNREACH, "network unreachable") #endif #ifdef ENETRESET X(ENETRESET, "network reset") #endif #ifdef ECONNABORTED X(ECONNABORTED, "connection aborted") #endif #ifdef ECONNRESET X(ECONNRESET, "connection reset") #endif #ifdef EISCONN X(EISCONN, "already connected") #endif #ifdef ENOTCONN X(ENOTCONN, "not connected") #endif #ifdef ESHUTDOWN X(ESHUTDOWN, "socket shut down") #endif #ifdef ETOOMANYREFS X(ETOOMANYREFS, "too many references") #endif #ifdef ELOOP X(ELOOP, "symbolic link loop") #endif #ifdef ENAMETOOLONG X(ENAMETOOLONG, "file name too long") #endif #ifdef EHOSTDOWN X(EHOSTDOWN, "host down") #endif #ifdef EHOSTUNREACH X(EHOSTUNREACH, "host unreachable") #endif #ifdef ENOTEMPTY X(ENOTEMPTY, "directory not empty") #endif #ifdef EPROCLIM X(EPROCLIM, "too many processes") #endif #ifdef EUSERS X(EUSERS, "too many users") #endif #ifdef EDQUOT X(EDQUOT, "disk quota exceeded") #endif #ifdef ESTALE X(ESTALE, "stale NFS file handle") #endif #ifdef EREMOTE X(EREMOTE, "too many levels of remote in path") #endif #ifdef EBADRPC X(EBADRPC, "RPC structure is bad") #endif #ifdef ERPCMISMATCH X(ERPCMISMATCH, "RPC version mismatch") #endif #ifdef EPROGUNAVAIL X(EPROGUNAVAIL, "RPC program unavailable") #endif #ifdef EPROGMISMATCH X(EPROGMISMATCH, "program version mismatch") #endif #ifdef EPROCUNAVAIL X(EPROCUNAVAIL, "bad procedure for program") #endif #ifdef ENOLCK X(ENOLCK, "no locks available") #endif #ifdef ENOSYS X(ENOSYS, "system call not available") #endif #ifdef EFTYPE X(EFTYPE, "bad file type") #endif #ifdef EAUTH X(EAUTH, "authentication error") #endif #ifdef ENEEDAUTH X(ENEEDAUTH, "not authenticated") #endif #ifdef ENOSTR X(ENOSTR, "not a stream device") #endif #ifdef ETIME X(ETIME, "timer expired") #endif #ifdef ENOSR X(ENOSR, "out of stream resources") #endif #ifdef ENOMSG X(ENOMSG, "no message of desired type") #endif #ifdef EBADMSG X(EBADMSG, "bad message type") #endif #ifdef EIDRM X(EIDRM, "identifier removed") #endif #ifdef ENONET X(ENONET, "machine not on network") #endif #ifdef ERREMOTE X(ERREMOTE, "object not local") #endif #ifdef ENOLINK X(ENOLINK, "link severed") #endif #ifdef EADV X(EADV, "advertise error") #endif #ifdef ESRMNT X(ESRMNT, "srmount error") #endif #ifdef ECOMM X(ECOMM, "communication error") #endif #ifdef EMULTIHOP X(EMULTIHOP, "multihop attempted") #endif #ifdef EREMCHG X(EREMCHG, "remote address changed") #endif default : return "unknown error" ; } } #endif