/* ISC license. */ /* MT-unsafe */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SKALIBS_HASPOSIXSPAWN #include #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* If n = 0 : child's stdin and stdout are the same as the parent's If n >= 1 : pipes between parent and child. Parent reads on even ones, writes on odd ones. */ pid_t child_spawn (char const *prog, char const *const *argv, char const *const *envp, int *fds, unsigned int n) { #ifdef SKALIBS_HASPOSIXSPAWN posix_spawn_file_actions_t actions ; posix_spawnattr_t attr ; #else int syncpipe[2] ; #endif int p[n ? n : 1][2] ; pid_t pid ; int e ; size_t m = sizeof(SKALIBS_CHILD_SPAWN_FDS_ENVVAR) ; unsigned int i = 0 ; char modifs[m + 1 + n * UINT_FMT] ; memcpy(modifs, SKALIBS_CHILD_SPAWN_FDS_ENVVAR "=", sizeof(SKALIBS_CHILD_SPAWN_FDS_ENVVAR)) ; for (; i < n ; i++) if (pipe(p[i]) < 0) { e = errno ; goto errpi ; } for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) if ((ndelay_on(p[i][i & 1]) < 0) || (coe(p[i][i & 1]) < 0)) { e = errno ; goto errp ; } for (i = 2 ; i < n ; i++) { m += uint_fmt(modifs + m, p[i][!(i & 1)]) ; if (i+1 < n) modifs[m++] = ',' ; } modifs[m++] = 0 ; #ifdef SKALIBS_HASPOSIXSPAWN e = posix_spawnattr_init(&attr) ; if (e) goto errsp ; { sigset_t set ; sigemptyset(&set) ; e = posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(&attr, &set) ; if (e) goto errattr ; e = posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK) ; if (e) goto errattr ; } e = posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&actions) ; if (e) goto errattr ; if (n >= 2 && p[1][0]) { e = posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, p[1][0], 0) ; if (e) goto erractions ; e = posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&actions, p[1][0]) ; if (e) goto erractions ; } if (n && p[0][1] != 1) { e = posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, p[0][1], 1) ; if (e) goto erractions ; e = posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&actions, p[0][1]) ; if (e) goto erractions ; } { int haspath = !!getenv("PATH") ; size_t envlen = env_len(envp) ; char const *newenv[envlen + 2] ; if (!env_merge(newenv, envlen+2, envp, envlen, modifs, m)) goto erractions ; if (!haspath && (setenv("PATH", SKALIBS_DEFAULTPATH, 0) < 0)) { e = errno ; goto erractions ; } e = posix_spawnp(&pid, prog, &actions, &attr, (char *const *)argv, (char *const *)newenv) ; if (!haspath) unsetenv("PATH") ; if (e) goto erractions ; } posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&actions) ; posix_spawnattr_destroy(&attr) ; #else if (pipe(syncpipe) < 0) { e = errno ; goto errp ; } if (coe(syncpipe[1]) < 0) { e = errno ; goto errsp ; } pid = fork() ; if (pid < 0) { e = errno ; goto errsp ; } else if (!pid) { size_t len = strlen(PROG) ; char name[len + 9] ; memcpy(name, PROG, len) ; memcpy(name + len, " (child)", 9) ; PROG = name ; fd_close(syncpipe[0]) ; if (n >= 2) { if (fd_move2(0, p[1][0], 1, p[0][1]) < 0) goto syncdie ; } else if (n) { if (fd_move(1, p[0][1]) < 0) goto syncdie ; } sig_blocknone() ; pathexec_r_name(prog, argv, envp, env_len(envp), modifs, m) ; syncdie: { char c = errno ; fd_write(syncpipe[1], &c, 1) ; } _exit(127) ; } fd_close(syncpipe[1]) ; { char c ; syncpipe[1] = fd_read(syncpipe[0], &c, 1) ; if (syncpipe[1]) { if (syncpipe[1] < 0) e = errno ; else { kill(pid, SIGKILL) ; e = c ; } wait_pid(pid, &syncpipe[1]) ; goto errsp0 ; } } fd_close(syncpipe[0]) ; #endif for (i = n ; i ; i--) { fd_close(p[i-1][i & 1]) ; fds[i-1] = p[i-1][!(i & 1)] ; } return pid ; #ifdef SKALIBS_HASPOSIXSPAWN erractions: posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&actions) ; errattr: posix_spawnattr_destroy(&attr) ; #endif errsp: #ifndef SKALIBS_HASPOSIXSPAWN fd_close(syncpipe[1]) ; errsp0: fd_close(syncpipe[0]) ; #endif errp: i = n ; errpi: while (i--) { fd_close(p[i][1]) ; fd_close(p[i][0]) ; } errno = e ; return 0 ; }