/* ISC license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Writes 160 bytes of crap into s. Certainly not cryptographically secure or 100% unpredictable, but we're only using this to seed a fallback internal PRNG. */ static void makeseed (char *s) { SHA1Schedule bak = SHA1_INIT() ; { tain now ; char tmp[256] ; uint32_t x = getpid() ; uint32_pack(tmp, x) ; /* if valgrind sends you here, tell it to stfu */ x = getppid() ; uint32_pack(tmp + 4, x) ; tain_now(&now) ; tain_pack(tmp + 8, &now) ; sha1_update(&bak, tmp, 8 + TAIN_PACK) ; gethostname(tmp, 256) ; sha1_update(&bak, tmp, 256) ; sha1_final(&bak, tmp) ; sha1_init(&bak) ; sha1_update(&bak, tmp, 20) ; } { char i = 0 ; for (; i < 8 ; i++) { SHA1Schedule ctx = bak ; sha1_update(&ctx, &i, 1) ; sha1_final(&ctx, s + 20*i) ; } } } void autosurf (char *s, size_t n) { static SURFSchedule ctx = SURFSCHEDULE_ZERO ; static int need4seed = 1 ; if (need4seed) { char seed[160] ; makeseed(seed) ; surf_init(&ctx, seed) ; need4seed = 0 ; } surf(&ctx, s, n) ; }