librandom is a small library designed to provide an interface to some reasonable-quality pseudorandom number generation. librandom uses arc4random when available, or getrandom - else it defaults to /dev/urandom and a a SURF PRNG.
You should refer to the skalibs/random.h header for the exact function prototypes.
unsigned char c ; uint32_t max ; uint32_t n ; size_t b ; char data[at least b] ; int r ; r = random_init() ; c = random_char() ; n = random_uint32(max) ; random_string(data, b) ; random_finish() ;
random_init() must be called before any other function in the random library. It returns 0 (and sets errno) on failure, and nonzero on success.
It is recommended that you let the library perform cleanups after you are done using it, by calling random_finish() - unless your process exits right away.
void random_unsort (char *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int chunksize)
Shuffles the array s (of size at least n*chunksize) by
performing a random permutation of the n blocks of chunksize bytes.
Bytes are not permuted inside chunks.
void random_name (char *s, size_t n)
Writes n random readable ASCII characters into s:
letters, numbers, hyphens or underscores. Does not terminate with a
null character.
int random_sauniquename (stralloc *sa, unsigned int n)
Appends a (non-null-terminated) unique, unpredictable ASCII name to the
stralloc *sa. That
name includes n randomly generated ASCII characters.