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+ <head>
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+ <title>skalibs: the ip46 library interface</title>
+ <meta name="Description" content="skalibs: the ip46 library interface" />
+ <meta name="Keywords" content="skalibs c unix ip46 library libstddjb" />
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+<h1> The <tt>ip46</tt> library interface </h1>
+ The following functions and structures are declared in the <tt>skalibs/ip46.h</tt> header,
+and implemented in the <tt>libskarnet.a</tt> or <tt></tt> library.
+<h2> General information </h2>
+ <tt>ip46</tt> is a set of macros and functions to support both IPv4
+and IPv6 network operations in an abstracted way.
+ If skalibs has been built with the <a href="../flags.html#noipv6">--disable-ipv6</a>
+configure option, or it detects at build time than the target does not support IPv6, then
+<tt>ip46</tt> structures and functions will be directly aliased to their
+IPv4 implementations with no overhead at all.
+<h2> Data structures </h2>
+ An <tt>ip46full_t</tt> is a structure that contains either an IPv4 or an IPv6
+ If <em>a</em> is an <tt>ip46full_t</tt>, then:
+ <li> ip46_is6(&amp;<em>a</em>) is 1 if <em>a</em> is
+IPv6 and 0 otherwise. </li>
+ <li> <em>a</em>.ip points to 16 (if IPv6) or 4 (if IPv4) bytes containing
+the address, in network byte order. </li>
+ If skalibs has been build with IPv6 support, an <tt>ip46_t</tt> is
+the same type as an <tt>ip46full_t</tt>. Otherwise, an <tt>ip46_t</tt>
+is a structure that just contains an IPv4 address.
+<h2> Functions </h2>
+<code> int ip46_from_ip4 (ip46_t *a, char const *ip) </code> <br />
+Stores the IPv4 pointed to by <em>ip</em> into *<em>a</em>. Returns 1.
+<code> int ip46_from_ip6 (ip46_t *a, char const *ip) </code> <br />
+Stores the IPv6 pointed to by <em>ip</em> into *<em>a</em>. Returns 1,
+except if IPv6 is unavailable, in which case it returns 0 ENOSYS.
+<code> unsigned int ip46_fmt (char *s, ip46_t const *a) </code> <br />
+Formats the address in *<em>a</em> into the string <em>s</em>, which
+must be preallocated. Returns the number of bytes written. The address
+will be accordingly formatted as IPv4 or IPv6.
+<code> unsigned int ip46_scan (char const *s, ip46_t *a) </code> <br />
+Scans the string <em>s</em> for an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If it finds
+one, writes it into *<em>a</em> and returns the number of bytes read.
+If it cannot, returns 0.
+<code> unsigned int ip46_scanlist (ip46_t *list, unsigned int max, char const *s, unsigned int *n) </code> <br />
+Scans the string <em>s</em> for a list of comma-, semicolon-, space-, tab- or
+newline-separated IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, up to a maximum of <em>max</em>. It
+stores them into the (preallocated) ip46_t array pointed to by <em>list</em>.
+It returns the number of bytes read (0 if <em>s</em> does not contain a valid
+IP list at all), and stores the number of found and scanned addresses into *<em>n</em>.
+<code> int socket_connect46 (int fd, ip46_t *a, uint16 port) </code> <br />
+Connects the socket <em>fd</em> to address *<em>a</em> and port <em>port</em>.
+Returns 0 in case of success, and -1 (and sets errno) in case of failure.
+<code> int socket_bind46 (int fd, ip46_t *a, uint16 port) </code> <br />
+Binds the socket <em>fd</em> to address *<em>a</em> and port <em>port</em>.
+Returns 0 in case of success, and -1 (and sets errno) in case of failure.
+<code> int socket_bind46_reuse (int fd, ip46_t *a, uint16 port) </code> <br />
+Same as the previous function, with the SO_REUSEADDR option.
+<code> int socket_deadlineconnstamp46 (int fd, ip46_t const *a, uint16 port, tain_t const *deadline, tain_t *stamp) </code> <br />
+Attempts to synchronously connect the socket <em>fd</em> to address a<em>a</em>
+and port <em>port</em>. Returns 1 if it succeeds and 0 (and sets errno)
+if it fails. <em>stamp</em> must contain an accurate enough
+timestamp, and is updated when the function returns. If the connection is
+still pending by <em>deadline</em>, then the attempt stops and the function
+returns 0 ETIMEDOUT.
+<code> int socket_recv46 (int fd, char *s, unsigned int len, ip46_t *a, uint16 *port) </code> <br />
+Reads a datagram from socket <em>fd</em>. The message is stored into buffer <em>s</em>
+of max length <em>len</em>, and stores the sender information into address *<em>a</em>
+and port *<em>port</em>. Returns the length of the read datagram, or -1 if it fails.
+<code> int socket_send46 (int fd, char const *s, unsigned int len, ip46_t const *a, uint16 port) </code> <br />
+Writes a datagram to socket <em>fd</em>. The message is read from buffer <em>s</em>
+of length <em>len</em>, and the recipient information is address *<em>a</em>
+and port <em>port</em>. Returns the number of written bytes, or -1 if it fails.
+<code> int socket_local46 (int fd, ip46_t *a, uint16 *port) </code> <br />
+Gets the local information about bound socket <em>fd</em>: the local IP
+address is stored into *<em>a</em> and the local port into *<em>port</em>.
+Returns 0 in case of success, and -1 (and sets errno) in case of failure.
+<code> int socket_remote46 (int fd, ip46_t *a, uint16 *port) </code> <br />
+Gets the peer information about connected socket <em>fd</em>: the remote IP
+address is stored into *<em>a</em> and the remote port into *<em>port</em>.
+Returns 0 in case of success, and -1 (and sets errno) in case of failure.
+<code> int socket_recvnb46 (int fd, char *s, unsigned int len, ip46_t *a, uint16 *port,
+tain_t const *deadline, tain_t *stamp) </code> <br />
+Like <tt>socket_recv46</tt>, except that the function blocks until a datagram
+is received. *<em>stamp</em> must be an accurate enough approximation of the
+current time, and is updated when the function returns. If no datagram has
+arrived by absolute date *<em>deadline</em>, the function returns -1 ETIMEOUT.
+<code> int socket_sendnb46 (int fd, char const *s, unsigned int len, ip46_t const *a, uint16 port,
+tain_t const *deadline, tain_t *stamp) </code> <br />
+Like <tt>socket_send46</tt>, except that the function blocks until a datagram
+has been effectively sent. *<em>stamp</em> must be an accurate enough approximation of the
+current time, and is updated when the function returns. If the message still has
+not been sent by absolute date *<em>deadline</em>, the function returns -1 ETIMEOUT.