/* ISC license. */ /* For SIGWINCH */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USAGE "s6-supervise dir" #define CTL S6_SUPERVISE_CTLDIR "/control" #define LCK S6_SUPERVISE_CTLDIR "/lock" #define SLCK S6_SUPERVISE_CTLDIR "/service-lock" #define S6_PATH_MAX 512 typedef enum trans_e trans_t, *trans_t_ref ; enum trans_e { V_TIMEOUT, V_CHLD, V_TERM, V_HUP, V_QUIT, V_INT, V_a, V_b, V_q, V_h, V_k, V_t, V_i, V_1, V_2, V_p, V_c, V_y, V_r, V_o, V_d, V_u, V_x, V_O } ; typedef enum state_e state_t, *state_t_ref ; enum state_e { DOWN, UP, FINISH, LASTUP, LASTFINISH } ; typedef void action_t (void) ; typedef action_t *action_t_ref ; static tain deadline ; static tain dontrespawnbefore = TAIN_EPOCH ; static s6_svstatus_t status = S6_SVSTATUS_ZERO ; static state_t state = DOWN ; static int flagdying = 0 ; static int cont = 1 ; static int notifyfd = -1 ; static inline void settimeout (int secs) { tain_addsec_g(&deadline, secs) ; } static inline void settimeout_infinite (void) { tain_add_g(&deadline, &tain_infinite_relative) ; } static inline void announce (void) { if (!s6_svstatus_write(".", &status)) strerr_warnwu1sys("write status file") ; } static int read_file (char const *file, char *buf, size_t n) { ssize_t r = openreadnclose_nb(file, buf, n) ; if (r == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) strerr_warnwu2sys("open ", file) ; return 0 ; } buf[byte_chr(buf, r, '\n')] = 0 ; return 1 ; } static int read_uint (char const *file, unsigned int *fd) { char buf[UINT_FMT + 1] ; if (!read_file(file, buf, UINT_FMT)) return 0 ; if (!uint0_scan(buf, fd)) { strerr_warnw2x("invalid ", file) ; return 0 ; } return 1 ; } static inline int read_downsig (void) { int sig = SIGTERM ; char buf[16] ; if (read_file("down-signal", buf, 15) && !sig0_scan(buf, &sig)) strerr_warnw1x("invalid down-signal") ; return sig ; } static void set_down_and_ready (char const *s, unsigned int n) { status.pid = 0 ; status.flagfinishing = 0 ; status.flagready = 1 ; tain_wallclock_read(&status.readystamp) ; state = DOWN ; if (tain_future(&dontrespawnbefore)) deadline = dontrespawnbefore ; else tain_copynow(&deadline) ; announce() ; ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, s, n) ; } /* The action array. */ static void nop (void) { } static void bail (void) { cont = 0 ; } static void sigint (void) { pid_t pgid = getpgid(status.pid) ; if (pgid == -1) strerr_warnwu1sys("getpgid") ; else killpg(pgid, SIGINT) ; bail() ; } static void closethem (void) { fd_close(0) ; fd_close(1) ; if (open_readb("/dev/null")) strerr_warnwu2sys("open /dev/null for ", "reading") ; else if (open_write("/dev/null") != 1 || ndelay_off(1) < 0) strerr_warnwu2sys("open /dev/null for ", "writing") ; } static void killa (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGALRM) ; } static void killb (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGABRT) ; } static void killh (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGHUP) ; } static void killq (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGQUIT) ; } static void killk (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGKILL) ; } static void killt (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGTERM) ; } static void killi (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGINT) ; } static void kill1 (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGUSR1) ; } static void kill2 (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGUSR2) ; } static void killp (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGSTOP) ; status.flagpaused = 1 ; announce() ; } static void killc (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGCONT) ; status.flagpaused = 0 ; announce() ; } static void killy (void) { kill(status.pid, SIGWINCH) ; } static void killr (void) { kill(status.pid, read_downsig()) ; } static void failcoe (int fd) { int e = errno ; fd_write(fd, "", 1) ; errno = e ; } static void trystart (void) { int p[2] ; int notifyp[2] = { -1, -1 } ; int lfd = -1 ; int locked = 1 ; unsigned int notif, lk ; pid_t pid ; if (read_uint("lock-fd", &lk)) { if (lk > INT_MAX) strerr_warnw2x("invalid ", "lock-fd") ; else { struct stat st ; lfd = open_write(SLCK) ; if (lfd == -1) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu4sys("open ", SLCK, " for writing", " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; return ; } if (fstat(lfd, &st) == -1) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu3sys("stat ", SLCK, " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; goto errl ; } if (st.st_size) { ftruncate(lfd, 0) ; strerr_warnw1x("a previous instance of the service wrote to the lock file!") ; } locked = fd_lock(lfd, 1, 1) ; if (locked == -1) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu3sys("lock ", SLCK, " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; goto errl ; } if (!locked) strerr_warnw1x("another instance of the service is already running, child will block") ; } } if (read_uint("notification-fd", ¬if)) { if (notif > INT_MAX) strerr_warnw2x("invalid ", "notification-fd") ; else if (lfd >= 0 && notif == lk) { settimeout_infinite() ; strerr_warnwu1x("start service: notification-fd and lock-fd are the same") ; goto errl ; } else if (pipe(notifyp) < 0) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu2sys("pipe", " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; goto errl ; } } if (pipecoe(p) < 0) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu2sys("pipe", " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; goto errn ; } pid = fork() ; if (pid < 0) { settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu2sys("fork", " (waiting 60 seconds)") ; goto errp ; } else if (!pid) { char const *cargv[2] = { "run", 0 } ; ((char *)PROG)[strlen(PROG)] = ' ' ; selfpipe_finish() ; if (notifyp[0] >= 0) close(notifyp[0]) ; close(p[0]) ; if (notifyp[1] >= 0 && fd_move(notif, notifyp[1]) < 0) { failcoe(p[1]) ; strerr_diefu1sys(127, "move notification descriptor") ; } if (lfd >= 0) { if (fd_move(lk, lfd) < 0) { failcoe(p[1]) ; strerr_diefu1sys(127, "move lock descriptor") ; } if (!locked && fd_lock(lk, 1, 0) == -1) { failcoe(p[1]) ; strerr_diefu2sys(127, "lock ", SLCK) ; } } setsid() ; execv("./run", (char *const *)cargv) ; failcoe(p[1]) ; strerr_dieexec(127, "run") ; } fd_close(p[1]) ; if (notifyp[1] >= 0) fd_close(notifyp[1]) ; if (lfd >= 0) fd_close(lfd) ; { char c ; switch (fd_read(p[0], &c, 1)) { case -1 : fd_close(p[0]) ; settimeout(60) ; strerr_warnwu1sys("read pipe (waiting 60 seconds)") ; kill(pid, SIGKILL) ; return ; case 1 : { fd_close(p[0]) ; settimeout(10) ; strerr_warnwu1x("spawn ./run - waiting 10 seconds") ; return ; } } } fd_close(p[0]) ; notifyfd = notifyp[0] ; settimeout_infinite() ; state = UP ; status.pid = pid ; status.flagready = 0 ; tain_wallclock_read(&status.stamp) ; tain_addsec_g(&dontrespawnbefore, 1) ; announce() ; ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, "u", 1) ; return ; errp: fd_close(p[1]) ; fd_close(p[0]) ; errn: if (notifyp[1] >= 0) { fd_close(notifyp[1]) ; fd_close(notifyp[0]) ; } errl: if (lfd >= 0) fd_close(lfd) ; } static void downtimeout (void) { if (status.flagwantup) trystart() ; else settimeout_infinite() ; } static void down_O (void) { status.flagwantup = 0 ; announce() ; } static void down_o (void) { down_O() ; trystart() ; } static void down_u (void) { status.flagwantup = 1 ; announce() ; trystart() ; } static void down_d (void) { status.flagwantup = 0 ; announce() ; } static int uplastup_z (void) { status.wstat = (int)status.pid ; status.flagpaused = 0 ; status.flagready = 0 ; flagdying = 0 ; tain_wallclock_read(&status.stamp) ; if (notifyfd >= 0) { fd_close(notifyfd) ; notifyfd = -1 ; } { unsigned int n ; if (!read_uint("max-death-tally", &n)) n = 100 ; if (n > S6_MAX_DEATH_TALLY) n = S6_MAX_DEATH_TALLY ; if (n) { s6_dtally_t tab[n+1] ; ssize_t m = s6_dtally_read(".", tab, n) ; if (m < 0) strerr_warnwu2sys("read ", S6_DTALLY_FILENAME) ; else { tab[m].stamp = status.stamp ; tab[m].sig = WIFSIGNALED(status.wstat) ? WTERMSIG(status.wstat) : 0 ; tab[m].exitcode = WIFSIGNALED(status.wstat) ? 128 + WTERMSIG(status.wstat) : WEXITSTATUS(status.wstat) ; if (!(m >= n ? s6_dtally_write(".", tab+1, n) : s6_dtally_write(".", tab, m+1))) strerr_warnwu2sys("write ", S6_DTALLY_FILENAME) ; } } } status.pid = fork() ; if (status.pid < 0) { strerr_warnwu2sys("fork for ", "./finish") ; set_down_and_ready("dD", 2) ; return 0 ; } else if (!status.pid) { char fmt0[UINT_FMT] ; char fmt1[UINT_FMT] ; char *cargv[4] = { "finish", fmt0, fmt1, 0 } ; selfpipe_finish() ; fmt0[uint_fmt(fmt0, WIFSIGNALED(status.wstat) ? 256 : WEXITSTATUS(status.wstat))] = 0 ; fmt1[uint_fmt(fmt1, WTERMSIG(status.wstat))] = 0 ; setsid() ; execv("./finish", cargv) ; _exit(127) ; } status.flagfinishing = 1 ; announce() ; ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, "d", 1) ; { tain tto ; unsigned int timeout ; if (!read_uint("timeout-finish", &timeout)) timeout = 5000 ; if (timeout && tain_from_millisecs(&tto, timeout)) tain_add_g(&deadline, &tto) ; else settimeout_infinite() ; } return 1 ; } static void up_z (void) { if (uplastup_z()) state = FINISH ; } static void lastup_z (void) { if (uplastup_z()) state = LASTFINISH ; else bail() ; } static void uptimeout (void) { if (flagdying) { killk() ; settimeout(5) ; } else { settimeout_infinite() ; strerr_warnw1x("can't happen: timeout while the service is up!") ; } } static void up_o (void) { status.flagwantup = 0 ; announce() ; } static void up_d (void) { tain tto ; unsigned int timeout ; status.flagwantup = 0 ; killr() ; killc() ; if (!read_uint("timeout-kill", &timeout)) timeout = 0 ; if (timeout && tain_from_millisecs(&tto, timeout)) { tain_add_g(&deadline, &tto) ; flagdying = 1 ; } else settimeout_infinite() ; } static void up_u (void) { status.flagwantup = 1 ; announce() ; } static void up_x (void) { state = LASTUP ; closethem() ; } static void up_term (void) { state = LASTUP ; up_d() ; } static void finishtimeout (void) { strerr_warnw1x("finish script lifetime reached maximum value - sending it a SIGKILL") ; killc() ; killk() ; settimeout(5) ; } static void finish_z (void) { int wstat = (int)status.pid ; if (WIFEXITED(wstat) && WEXITSTATUS(wstat) == 125) { status.flagwantup = 0 ; set_down_and_ready("OD", 2) ; } else set_down_and_ready("D", 1) ; } static void finish_u (void) { status.flagwantup = 1 ; announce() ; } static void finish_x (void) { state = LASTFINISH ; closethem() ; } static void lastfinish_z (void) { finish_z() ; bail() ; } static action_t_ref const actions[5][24] = { { &downtimeout, &nop, &bail, &bail, &bail, &bail, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &down_o, &down_d, &down_u, &bail, &down_O }, { &uptimeout, &up_z, &up_term, &up_x, &bail, &sigint, &killa, &killb, &killq, &killh, &killk, &killt, &killi, &kill1, &kill2, &killp, &killc, &killy, &killr, &up_o, &up_d, &up_u, &up_x, &up_o }, { &finishtimeout, &finish_z, &finish_x, &finish_x, &bail, &sigint, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &up_o, &down_d, &finish_u, &finish_x, &up_o }, { &uptimeout, &lastup_z, &up_d, &closethem, &bail, &sigint, &killa, &killb, &killq, &killh, &killk, &killt, &killi, &kill1, &kill2, &killp, &killc, &killy, &killr, &up_o, &up_d, &nop, &closethem, &up_o }, { &finishtimeout, &lastfinish_z, &nop, &closethem, &bail, &sigint, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop, &nop } } ; /* The main loop. It just loops around the iopause(), calling snippets of code in "actions" when needed. */ static inline void handle_notifyfd (void) { char buf[512] ; ssize_t r = 1 ; while (r > 0) { r = sanitize_read(fd_read(notifyfd, buf, 512)) ; if (r > 0 && memchr(buf, '\n', r)) { tain_wallclock_read(&status.readystamp) ; status.flagready = 1 ; announce() ; ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, "U", 1) ; r = -1 ; } if (r < 0) { fd_close(notifyfd) ; notifyfd = -1 ; } } } static inline void handle_signals (void) { for (;;) { switch (selfpipe_read()) { case -1 : strerr_diefu1sys(111, "selfpipe_read") ; case 0 : return ; case SIGCHLD : if (!status.pid) wait_reap() ; else { int wstat ; int r = wait_pid_nohang(status.pid, &wstat) ; if (r < 0) if (errno != ECHILD) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "wait_pid_nohang") ; else break ; else if (!r) break ; status.pid = (pid_t)wstat ; /* don't overwrite status.wstat if it's ./finish */ (*actions[state][V_CHLD])() ; } break ; case SIGTERM : (*actions[state][V_TERM])() ; break ; case SIGHUP : (*actions[state][V_HUP])() ; break ; case SIGQUIT : (*actions[state][V_QUIT])() ; break ; case SIGINT : (*actions[state][V_INT])() ; break ; default : strerr_dief1x(101, "internal error: inconsistent signal state. Please submit a bug-report.") ; } } } static inline void handle_control (int fd) { for (;;) { char c ; ssize_t r = sanitize_read(fd_read(fd, &c, 1)) ; if (r < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "read " S6_SUPERVISE_CTLDIR "/control") ; else if (!r) break ; else { size_t pos = byte_chr("abqhkti12pcyroduxO", 18, c) ; if (pos < 18) (*actions[state][V_a + pos])() ; } } } static int trymkdir (char const *s) { char buf[S6_PATH_MAX] ; ssize_t r ; if (mkdir(s, 0700) >= 0) return 1 ; if (errno != EEXIST) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "mkdir ", s) ; r = readlink(s, buf, S6_PATH_MAX) ; if (r < 0) { struct stat st ; if (errno != EINVAL) { errno = EEXIST ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "mkdir ", s) ; } if (stat(s, &st) < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "stat ", s) ; if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) strerr_dief2x(100, s, " exists and is not a directory") ; return 0 ; } else if (r == S6_PATH_MAX) { errno = ENAMETOOLONG ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "readlink ", s) ; } else { buf[r] = 0 ; if (mkdir(buf, 0700) < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "mkdir ", buf) ; return 1 ; } } static inline int control_init (void) { mode_t m = umask(0) ; int fdctl, fdlck, r ; if (trymkdir(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR)) { if (chown(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, -1, getegid()) < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "chown " S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR) ; if (chmod(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, 03730) < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "chmod " S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR) ; } trymkdir(S6_SUPERVISE_CTLDIR) ; fdlck = open3(LCK, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0644) ; if (fdlck < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "open " LCK) ; r = fd_lock(fdlck, 1, 1) ; if (r < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "lock " LCK) ; if (!r) strerr_dief1x(100, "another instance of s6-supervise is already running") ; /* fdlck leaks but it's coe */ if (mkfifo(CTL, 0600) < 0) { struct stat st ; if (errno != EEXIST) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "mkfifo " CTL) ; if (stat(CTL, &st) < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "stat " CTL) ; if (!S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) strerr_dief1x(100, CTL " is not a FIFO") ; } fdctl = openc_read(CTL) ; if (fdctl < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "open " CTL " for reading") ; r = openc_write(CTL) ; if (r < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "open " CTL " for writing") ; /* r leaks but it's coe */ umask(m) ; return fdctl ; } int main (int argc, char const *const *argv) { iopause_fd x[3] = { { -1, IOPAUSE_READ, 0 }, { -1, IOPAUSE_READ, 0 }, { -1, IOPAUSE_READ, 0 } } ; PROG = "s6-supervise" ; if (argc < 2) strerr_dieusage(100, USAGE) ; if (chdir(argv[1]) < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "chdir to ", argv[1]) ; { size_t proglen = strlen(PROG) ; size_t namelen = strlen(argv[1]) ; char progname[proglen + namelen + 10] ; memcpy(progname, PROG, proglen) ; progname[proglen] = ' ' ; memcpy(progname + proglen + 1, argv[1], namelen + 1) ; memcpy(progname + proglen + 2 + namelen, "(child)", 8) ; PROG = progname ; if (!fd_sanitize()) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "sanitize stdin and stdout") ; x[1].fd = control_init() ; x[0].fd = selfpipe_init() ; if (x[0].fd == -1) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "init selfpipe") ; if (!sig_altignore(SIGPIPE)) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "ignore SIGPIPE") ; { sigset_t set ; sigemptyset(&set) ; sigaddset(&set, SIGCHLD) ; sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM) ; sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP) ; sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT) ; sigaddset(&set, SIGINT) ; if (!selfpipe_trapset(&set)) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "trap signals") ; } if (!ftrigw_clean(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR)) strerr_warnwu2sys("ftrigw_clean ", S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR) ; { int fd = open_trunc(S6_DTALLY_FILENAME) ; if (fd < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "truncate ", S6_DTALLY_FILENAME) ; fd_close(fd) ; } if (access("down", F_OK) == 0) status.flagwantup = 0 ; else if (errno != ENOENT) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "access ./down") ; tain_now_set_stopwatch_g() ; settimeout(0) ; tain_wallclock_read(&status.stamp) ; status.readystamp = status.stamp ; announce() ; ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, "s", 1) ; while (cont) { int r ; x[2].fd = notifyfd ; r = iopause_g(x, 2 + (notifyfd >= 0), &deadline) ; if (r < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "iopause") ; else if (!r) (*actions[state][V_TIMEOUT])() ; else { if ((x[0].revents | x[1].revents) & IOPAUSE_EXCEPT) strerr_diefu1x(111, "iopause: trouble with pipes") ; if (notifyfd >= 0 && x[2].revents & IOPAUSE_READ) handle_notifyfd() ; if (x[0].revents & IOPAUSE_READ) handle_signals() ; else if (x[1].revents & IOPAUSE_READ) handle_control(x[1].fd) ; } } ftrigw_notifyb_nosig(S6_SUPERVISE_EVENTDIR, "x", 1) ; } return 0 ; }