/* ISC license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftrig1.h" #include #include #define FTRIGRD_MAXREADS 32 #define FTRIGRD_BUFSIZE 17 #define dienomem() strerr_diefu1sys(111, "stralloc_catb") typedef struct ftrigio_s ftrigio_t, *ftrigio_t_ref ; struct ftrigio_s { unsigned int xindex ; ftrig1_t trig ; buffer b ; char buf[FTRIGRD_BUFSIZE] ; regex_t re ; stralloc sa ; uint32_t options ; uint16_t id ; /* given by client */ } ; #define FTRIGIO_ZERO { .xindex = 0, .trig = FTRIG1_ZERO, .b = BUFFER_INIT(0, -1, 0, 0), .buf = "", .sa = STRALLOC_ZERO, .options = 0, .id = 0 } static ftrigio_t a[FTRIGR_MAX] ; static unsigned int n = 0 ; static void ftrigio_deepfree (ftrigio_t *p) { ftrig1_free(&p->trig) ; stralloc_free(&p->sa) ; regfree(&p->re) ; } static void cleanup (void) { unsigned int i = 0 ; for (; i < n ; i++) ftrigio_deepfree(a + i) ; n = 0 ; } static void trig (uint16_t id, char what, char info) { char pack[4] ; uint16_pack_big(pack, id) ; pack[2] = what ; pack[3] = info ; if (!textmessage_put(textmessage_sender_x, pack, 4)) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu1sys(111, "build answer") ; } } static void answer (unsigned char c) { if (!textmessage_put(textmessage_sender_1, (char *)&c, 1)) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu1sys(111, "textmessage_put") ; } } static void remove (unsigned int i) { ftrigio_deepfree(a + i) ; a[i] = a[--n] ; a[i].b.c.x = a[i].buf ; } static inline int ftrigio_read (ftrigio_t *p) { unsigned int i = FTRIGRD_MAXREADS ; while (i--) { regmatch_t pmatch ; size_t blen ; ssize_t r = sanitize_read(buffer_fill(&p->b)) ; if (!r) break ; if (r < 0) return (trig(p->id, 'd', errno), 0) ; blen = buffer_len(&p->b) ; if (!stralloc_readyplus(&p->sa, blen+1)) dienomem() ; buffer_getnofill(&p->b, p->sa.s + p->sa.len, blen) ; p->sa.len += blen ; p->sa.s[p->sa.len] = 0 ; while (!regexec(&p->re, p->sa.s, 1, &pmatch, REG_NOTBOL | REG_NOTEOL)) { trig(p->id, '!', p->sa.s[pmatch.rm_eo - 1]) ; if (!(p->options & FTRIGR_REPEAT)) return 0 ; memmove(p->sa.s, p->sa.s + pmatch.rm_eo, p->sa.len + 1 - pmatch.rm_eo) ; p->sa.len -= pmatch.rm_eo ; } } return 1 ; } static int parse_protocol (struct iovec const *v, void *context) { char const *s = v->iov_base ; uint16_t id ; if (v->iov_len < 3) { cleanup() ; strerr_dief1x(100, "invalid client request") ; } uint16_unpack_big(s, &id) ; switch (s[2]) { case 'U' : /* unsubscribe */ { unsigned int i = 0 ; for (; i < n ; i++) if (a[i].id == id) break ; if (i < n) { remove(i) ; answer(0) ; } else answer(EINVAL) ; break ; } case 'L' : /* subscribe to path and match re */ { uint32_t options, pathlen, relen ; int r ; if (v->iov_len < 19) { answer(EPROTO) ; break ; } uint32_unpack_big(s + 3, &options) ; uint32_unpack_big(s + 7, &pathlen) ; uint32_unpack_big(s + 11, &relen) ; if (((pathlen + relen + 17) != v->iov_len) || s[15 + pathlen] || s[v->iov_len - 1]) { answer(EPROTO) ; break ; } if (n >= FTRIGR_MAX) { answer(ENFILE) ; break ; } r = skalibs_regcomp(&a[n].re, s + 16 + pathlen, REG_EXTENDED) ; if (r) { answer(r == REG_ESPACE ? ENOMEM : EINVAL) ; break ; } if (!ftrig1_make(&a[n].trig, s + 15)) { regfree(&a[n].re) ; answer(errno) ; break ; } buffer_init(&a[n].b, &buffer_read, a[n].trig.fd, a[n].buf, FTRIGRD_BUFSIZE) ; a[n].options = options ; a[n].id = id ; a[n].sa = stralloc_zero ; n++ ; answer(0) ; break ; } default : { cleanup() ; strerr_dief1x(100, "invalid client request") ; } } (void)context ; return 1 ; } int main (void) { PROG = "s6-ftrigrd" ; if (ndelay_on(0) < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "ndelay_on ", "0") ; if (ndelay_on(1) < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "ndelay_on ", "1") ; if (!sig_ignore(SIGPIPE)) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "ignore SIGPIPE") ; { tain deadline ; tain_now_set_stopwatch_g() ; tain_addsec_g(&deadline, 2) ; if (!textclient_server_01x_init_g(FTRIGR_BANNER1, FTRIGR_BANNER1_LEN, FTRIGR_BANNER2, FTRIGR_BANNER2_LEN, &deadline)) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "sync with client") ; } for (;;) { iopause_fd x[3 + n] ; unsigned int i = 0 ; x[0].fd = 0 ; x[0].events = IOPAUSE_EXCEPT | IOPAUSE_READ ; x[1].fd = 1 ; x[1].events = IOPAUSE_EXCEPT | (textmessage_sender_isempty(textmessage_sender_1) ? 0 : IOPAUSE_WRITE) ; x[2].fd = textmessage_sender_fd(textmessage_sender_x) ; x[2].events = IOPAUSE_EXCEPT | (textmessage_sender_isempty(textmessage_sender_x) ? 0 : IOPAUSE_WRITE) ; for (; i < n ; i++) { a[i].xindex = 3 + i ; x[3+i].fd = a[i].trig.fd ; x[3+i].events = IOPAUSE_READ ; } if (iopause(x, 3 + n, 0, 0) < 0) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu1sys(111, "iopause") ; } /* client closed */ if ((x[0].revents | x[1].revents) & IOPAUSE_EXCEPT) break ; /* client is reading */ if (x[1].revents & IOPAUSE_WRITE) if (!textmessage_sender_flush(textmessage_sender_1) && !error_isagain(errno)) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu1sys(111, "flush stdout") ; } if (x[2].revents & IOPAUSE_WRITE) if (!textmessage_sender_flush(textmessage_sender_x) && !error_isagain(errno)) { cleanup() ; return 1 ; } /* scan listening ftrigs */ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { if (x[a[i].xindex].revents & IOPAUSE_READ) if (!ftrigio_read(a+i)) remove(i--) ; } /* client is writing */ if (!textmessage_receiver_isempty(textmessage_receiver_0) || x[0].revents & IOPAUSE_READ) { if (textmessage_handle(textmessage_receiver_0, &parse_protocol, 0) < 0) { if (errno == EPIPE) break ; /* normal exit */ cleanup() ; strerr_diefu1sys(111, "handle messages from client") ; } } } cleanup() ; return 0 ; }