
Service directories

A service directory is a directory containing all the information related to a service, i.e. a long-running process maintained and supervised by s6-supervise.

(Strictly speaking, a service is not always equivalent to a long-running process. Things like Ethernet interfaces fit the definition of services one may want to supervise; however, s6 does not provide service supervision; it provides process supervision, and it is impractical to use the s6 architecture as is to supervise services that are not equivalent to one long-running process. However, we still use the terms service and service directory for historical and compatibility reasons.)


A service directory foo may contain the following elements:

Where to store my service directories ?

Service directories describe the way services are launched. Once they are designed, they have little reason to change on a given machine. They can theoretically reside on a read-only filesystem - for instance, the root filesystem, to avoid problems with mounting failures.

However, two subdirectories - namely supervise and event - of every service directory need to be writable. So it has to be a bit more complex. Here are a few possibilities.