
The s6-svperms program

s6-svperms allows the user to see, or modify, for a given list of services: who can read their states, who can send them control commands, and who can subscribe to up/down events for those services.


     s6-svperms [ -v ] [ -u | -g group | -G group | -o | -O group ] [ -e | -E group ] servicedirs...

Without options, or with only the -v option, s6-svperms prints 3 lines to stdout for every service directory listed in servicedirs. Every line contains the name of the service directory, then the following information:

If something goes wrong while reading a part of the configuration of a service directory, s6-svperms does not print the corresponding line to stdout; instead, it prints a warning message to stderr.

When invoked with other options, s6-svperms modifies the permissions of the service directories listed in servicedirs... as specified by the options. The same permissions will be applied to all the services listed in servicedirs....


group is normally a group name that will be searched in the group database. But if it starts with a colon (:), the rest of group will be interpreted as a numerical gid, and the group database will not be read.

Exit codes
