The s6-svperms program
s6-svperms allows the user to see, or modify, for a given
list of services: who can read their states, who can send them
control commands, and who can subscribe to up/down events for those
s6-svperms [ -v ] [ -u | -g group | -G group | -o | -O group ] [ -e | -E group ] servicedirs...
Without options, or with only the -v option,
s6-svperms prints 3 lines to stdout for every service directory
listed in servicedirs. Every line contains the name
of the service directory, then the following information:
- status: - indicates who is allowed to read status
information on the service, with commands such as
s6-svstat or
s6-svdt. The values can be owner,
for only the owner of the service; group: name, for
the owner and members of group name; or public,
for all users.
- control: - indicates who is allowed to send control
commands to the service, with commands such as
s6-svc. The values can be owner,
for only the owner of the service; or group: name,
for the owner and members of group name.
- events: - indicates who is allowed to subscribed to
events sent by s6-supervise for this
service, with commands such as s6-svwait
or s6-svlisten1. The values can be
group: name, for the owner and members of group
name, or public, for all users.
If something goes wrong while reading a part of the configuration of
a service directory, s6-svperms does not print the corresponding
line to stdout; instead, it prints a warning message to stderr.
When invoked with other options, s6-svperms modifies the
permissions of the service directories listed in servicedirs... as
specified by the options. The same permissions will be applied to all
the services listed in servicedirs....
- -v : re-read the permissions after writing them, and
print them to stdout.
- -u : restrict the status: and control:
permissions to owner: only the owner of a service directory will
be able to read its state or control the service. This is the default when
s6-supervise starts a service for the first
- -g group : allow members of group
group to read the status of the service, but not to control it -
control will be restricted to the owner.
- -G group : allow members of group
group to read and control the service.
- -o : allow everyone to read the status of the service,
but restrict control: to the owner.
- -O group : allow everyone to read the
status, and allow members of group group to control the
- -e : allow everyone to subscribe to events.
- -E group : only allow members of group
group to subscribe to events. This is the default when
s6-supervise starts a service for the first
time, with group being the primary group of the s6-supervise
process (most likely root).
group is normally a group name that will be searched in the group
database. But if it starts with a colon (:), the rest of group
will be interpreted as a numerical gid, and the group database will not be read.
Exit codes
- 0: success
- 1: something went wrong when reading permissions in one of the service directories
- 100: wrong usage
- 111: system call failed
- The default (restrictive) permissions are safe.
- Unless operation of a service is restricted information, it is also
safe to make status: more permissive.
- Opening control: to a group can be useful for instance in a
shared administration situation when individual administrators are not given
full root powers.
- Making events: public bears a small risk of a local DoS attack
preventing more subscriptions to events, so it is not recommended for
supervision trees where such subscriptions are critical to operations - such
as a set of root services managed by