
The s6-supervise program

s6-supervise monitors a long-lived process (or service), making sure it stays alive, sending notifications to registered processes when it dies, and providing an interface to control its state. s6-supervise is designed to be the last non-leaf branch of a supervision tree, the supervised process being a leaf.


     s6-supervise servicedir


s6-supervise does not support options, because it is normally not run manually via a command line; it is usually launched by its own supervisor, s6-svscan. However, the behaviour of an instance of s6-supervise can be tuned via various configuration files in the service directory. These files, and what they do, are listed on the service directory documentation page.

Readiness notification support

If the service directory contains a valid notification-fd file when the service is started, or restarted, s6-supervise creates and listens to an additional pipe from the service for readiness notification. When the notification occurs, s6-supervise updates the ./supervise/status file accordingly, then sends a 'U' event to ./event.

If the service is logged, i.e. if the service directory has a log subdirectory that is also a service directory, and the s6-supervise process has been launched by that is also s6-svscan, then by default the service's stdout goes into the logging pipe. If you set notification-fd to 1, the logging pipe will be overwritten by the notification pipe, which is probably not what you want. Instead, if your daemon writes a notification message to its stdout, you should set notification-fd to (for instance) 3, and redirect outputs in your run script. For instance, to redirect stderr to the logger and stdout to a notification-fd set to 3, you would start your daemon as fdmove -c 2 1 fdmove 1 3 prog... (in execline), or exec 2>&1 1>&3 3<&- prog... (in shell).


s6-supervise reacts to the following signals:

Usage notes

Implementation notes