
The s6-notifywhenup program

Starting with s6-, the s6-notifywhenup program has been deprecated, because there was still a case (albeit extremely rare) where a race condition would occur and readiness would be improperly advertised. Readiness notification for a service can now be achieved via a notification-fd file in the service directory, containing the number of the descriptor the service will write its readiness notification newline to. The notification will directly be picked by s6-supervise.

Quick upgrade recipe: for every service using s6-notifywhenup, replace the s6-notifywhenup invocation in your run script with fdmove 1 3, then perform echo 3 > notification-fd. Done!

s6-notifywhenup launches a daemon while listening to a file descriptor, and sends a 'U' event to a fifodir when it receives something on that file descriptor.

This page explains why this program is needed.


     s6-notifywhenup [ -d fd ] [ -e fifodir ] [ -f ] [ -X ] [ -t timeout ] prog...

