The s6 library interface
General information
libs6 is a collection of utility
C interfaces, used in the s6 executables.
- Make sure the s6 headers, as well as the skalibs headers,
are visible in your header search path.
- Use #include <s6/s6.h>
- Make sure the s6 libraries, as well as the skalibs
libraries, are visible in your library search path.
- Link against -ls6 and -lskarnet.
If you're using socket functions (which is the case with
libftrigr, for instance, add
`cat $sysdeps/socket.lib` to your command line.
If you're using timed functions involving TAI timestamps
(which is also the case with libftrigr
for instance), add
`cat $sysdeps/tainnow.lib`. $sysdeps
stands for your skalibs sysdeps directory.
The s6/s6.h header is actually a
concatenation of other headers:
the libs6net is separated into several modules, each of them with its
own header.
- The s6/accessrules.h header
provides functions to check credentials against configuration files.
- The s6/ftrigr.h header provides
functions to subscribe to fifodirs and be notified of events.
- The s6/ftrigw.h header provides
functions to manage fifodirs and send notifications to them.
- The s6/s6lock.h header provides
functions to acquire locks with a timeout.
- The s6/s6-fdholder.h header provides
functions to communicate with a
s6-fdholderd server and exchange
file descriptors with it.