
The s6-rc-update program

s6-rc-update is an online service database switcher: it will replace your compiled service database with another one, and adjust the live state accordingly.

Live upgrading a service database is no small feat, and no fully automated system can get it right in all cases. s6-rc-update will do its best on its own, but it lets you give it instructions to handle difficult cases; and rather than implement doubtful heuristics, it will fail with an error message in situations it really cannot solve.


     s6-rc [ -v verbosity ] [ servicenames... ]


s6-rc control

Up or down

Service selection


Usage examples

 s6-rc myservicebundle 

Brings up all the services represented by myservicebundle, dependencies first.

 s6-rc -Sad 

Brings down all the services in an orderly manner. This is typically run at shutdown time.

 s6-rc -Au myservicebundle 

Prints the names of all atomic services represented by myservicebundle, as well as everything they depend on.

 s6-rc -Ad myservicebundle 

Prints the names of all atomic services represented by myservicebundle, as well as everything that depends on them.

 s6-rc -pun0 myservicebundle 

Prints what s6-rc would do to bring the state to just myservicebundle and its dependencies.
