s6-rc-db is a tool to analyze a compiled service database and extract information from it, and print it in a user-friendly format.
It is an offline tool, i.e. you can run it on any compiled service database without actually having a live set of services managed by s6-rc. However, if you do have a live set, you can still run s6-rc-db on the current database (and it is the default); it won't interfere with your normal service operation.
s6-rc-db help s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] check s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] list all|services|oneshots|longruns|bundles s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] type servicename s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] [ -u | -d ] timeout atomicname s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] contents bundlename s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] [ -u | -d ] dependencies servicename s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] servicedir longrunname s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] [ -u | -d ] script oneshotname s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] flags atomicname s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] atomics servicename... s6-rc-db [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] [ -u | -d ] all-dependencies servicename...
Prints a help message on stdout.
Checks the database consistency. Exits 4 with an error message if it finds a problem, such as a mismatch in the direct and reverse dependency tables, or a dependency cycle.
s6-rc myservicebundle
Brings up all the services represented by myservicebundle, dependencies first.
s6-rc -Sad
Brings down all the services in an orderly manner. This is typically run at shutdown time.
s6-rc -Au myservicebundle
Prints the names of all atomic services represented by myservicebundle, as well as everything they depend on.
s6-rc -Ad myservicebundle
Prints the names of all atomic services represented by myservicebundle, as well as everything that depends on them.
s6-rc -pun0 myservicebundle
Prints what s6-rc would do to bring the state to just myservicebundle and its dependencies.