
The s6-rc-bundle program

s6-rc-bundle is a tool to add or delete bundles from a compiled service database without having to recompile it from source.

It is an offline tool, i.e. you can run it on any compiled service database without actually having a live set of services managed by s6-rc. However, if you do have a live set, you can still run s6-rc-bundle on the current database (and it is the default); it won't interfere with your normal service operation.


     s6-rc-bundle help
     s6-rc-bundle [ -f ] [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] add bundlename contents...
     s6-rc-bundle [ -f ] [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] delete bundlenames...
     s6-rc-bundle [ -f ] [ -l live ] [ -c compiled ] multiple args...


Exit codes


s6-rc-bundle help

Prints a help message on stdout.

s6-rc-bundle add bundlename contents...

Adds a bundle named bundlename to the database, representing the services listed in contents. The arguments in contents... are resolved before the database is modified by the s6-rc-bundle invocation.

s6-rc-bundle delete bundlenames...

Deletes bundles listed in bundlenames....

s6-rc-bundle multiple args...

Performs multiple bundle deletions and additions. This subcommand is best used in an execline script, because it uses blocks.

args... is composed of: