Changelog for s6-rc. In ---------- - Bugfix release. - Support for timeout-kill (in s6- In ---------- - Added this NEWS file. :) - Major types overhaul to make them more POSIXly correct: compatibility with skalibs- - s6- now allows longruns to report permanent failures (when ./finish exits 125). s6-rc should pick that up automatically and fail a longrun transition when it's the case. - s6-rc commands taking a lock on the live directory or the service database now fail instantly if they're already locked. A -b option has been added to give them the "block and wait for the lock to be released" behaviour back. - Easier external interaction with the hidden s6rc-fdholder service: the list of pipes to autofill a new fdholder with is now taken from the data/autofilled file (previously: was a hardcoded command line in the s6rc-fdholder run script).