/* ISC license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USAGE "s6-taiclock [ -f ] [ -v verbosity ] [ -r roundtrips ] [ -t triptimeout ] [ -h throttle ] [ -T totaltimeout ] [ -e errmax ] [ -p port ] ipaddress" #define dieusage() strerr_dieusage(100, USAGE) static unsigned int verbosity = 1 ; #define N 28 int tain_exchange (int s, ip46_t const *ip, uint16 port, tain_t *serversays, tain_t const *deadline) { char query[N] = "ctai" ; char answer[N] ; ip46_t dummyip ; int r ; uint16 dummyport ; tain_pack(query+4, &STAMP) ; if (badrandom_string(query+20, N-20) < N-20) return 0 ; /* cookie */ r = socket_sendnb46_g(s, query, N, ip, port, deadline) ; if (r < 0) return 0 ; if (r < N) return (errno = EPIPE, 0) ; r = socket_recvnb46_g(s, answer, N, &dummyip, &dummyport, deadline) ; if (r < 0) return 0 ; if (r < N) return (errno = EPROTO, 0) ; if (byte_diff(answer, 4, "stai")) return (errno = EPROTO, 0) ; if (byte_diff(query+20, N-20, answer+20)) return (errno = EPROTO, 0) ; tain_unpack(answer+4, serversays) ; return 1 ; } int main (int argc, char const *const *argv) { tain_t deltamin = TAIN_ZERO ; tain_t deltaoffset ; tain_t deltamax ; tain_t errmax ; tain_t timeouttto, throttletto, globaltto ; tain_t globaldeadline ; unsigned int roundtrips = 10 ; unsigned int i = 0 ; ip46_t ipremote ; int sock ; int flagforce = 0 ; uint16 portremote = 4014 ; PROG = "s6-taiclock" ; { unsigned int timeout = 2000 ; unsigned int throttle = 0 ; unsigned int bigtimeout = 10000 ; unsigned int emax = 100 ; subgetopt_t l = SUBGETOPT_ZERO ; for (;;) { register int opt = subgetopt_r(argc, argv, "fv:r:t:h:T:e:p:", &l) ; if (opt == -1) break ; switch (opt) { case 'f' : flagforce = 1 ; break ; case 'v' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &verbosity)) dieusage() ; break ; case 'r' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &roundtrips)) dieusage() ; break ; case 't' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &timeout)) dieusage() ; break ; case 'h' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &throttle)) dieusage() ; break ; case 'T' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &bigtimeout)) dieusage() ; break ; case 'e' : if (!uint0_scan(l.arg, &emax)) dieusage() ; break ; case 'p' : if (!uint160_scan(l.arg, &portremote)) dieusage() ; break ; default : dieusage() ; } } argc -= l.ind ; argv += l.ind ; if (timeout) tain_from_millisecs(&timeouttto, timeout) ; else timeouttto = tain_infinite_relative ; tain_from_millisecs(&throttletto, throttle) ; if (bigtimeout) tain_from_millisecs(&globaltto, bigtimeout) ; else globaltto = tain_infinite_relative ; tain_from_millisecs(&errmax, emax) ; } if (!argc) dieusage() ; if (!ip46_scan(argv[0], &ipremote)) dieusage() ; sock = socket_udp46(ip46_is6(&ipremote)) ; if (sock < 0) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "socket_udp") ; tain_uint(&deltaoffset, 0xffffffffU) ; tain_add(&deltaoffset, &deltaoffset, &deltaoffset) ; /* about 136 years */ tain_add(&deltamax, &deltaoffset, &deltaoffset) ; tain_now_g() ; tain_add_g(&globaldeadline, &globaltto) ; if (!socket_deadlineconnstamp46_g(sock, &ipremote, portremote, &globaldeadline)) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "socket_deadlineconnstamp") ; for (; i < roundtrips ; i++) { tain_t deadline, before, serversays ; tain_add_g(&deadline, &timeouttto) ; if (tain_less(&globaldeadline, &deadline)) deadline = globaldeadline ; tain_copynow(&before) ; if (!tain_exchange(sock, &ipremote, portremote, &serversays, &deadline)) { if (verbosity >= 2) { char fmt[UINT_FMT] ; char fmtr[UINT_FMT] ; fmt[uint_fmt(fmt, i+1)] = 0 ; fmtr[uint_fmt(fmtr, roundtrips)] = 0 ; strerr_warni5sys("TAIA round-trip ", fmt, "/", fmtr, " failed") ; } } else { tain_t cur, min, max ; tain_add(&cur, &serversays, &deltaoffset) ; tain_add(&min, &before, &deltamin) ; tain_add(&max, &before, &deltamax) ; if (tain_less(&cur, &max) && !tain_less(&cur, &min)) tain_sub(&deltamax, &cur, &before) ; tain_add_g(&min, &deltamin) ; tain_add_g(&max, &deltamax) ; if (tain_less(&cur, &max) && !tain_less(&cur, &min)) tain_sub(&deltamin, &cur, &STAMP) ; } tain_add_g(&deadline, &throttletto) ; if (tain_less(&globaldeadline, &deadline)) deadline = globaldeadline ; deepsleepuntil_g(&deadline) ; if (!tain_future(&globaldeadline)) { if (verbosity) { errno = ETIMEDOUT ; strerr_diefu1sys(1, "complete series of TAIA exchanges") ; } else return 1 ; } } { char adj[TAIN_PACK] ; tain_t delta ; if (tain_less(&deltamax, &deltamin)) tain_sub(&delta, &deltamin, &deltamax) ; else tain_sub(&delta, &deltamax, &deltamin) ; if (tain_less(&errmax, &delta)) { if (verbosity) { char fmtd[TAIN_FMT] ; char fmte[TAIN_FMT] ; fmtd[tain_fmt(fmtd, &delta)] = 0 ; fmte[tain_fmt(fmte, &errmax)] = 0 ; strerr_warnw2x("maximum acceptable uncertainty: ", fmte) ; strerr_warnw2x("current calculated uncertainty: ", fmtd) ; } if (!flagforce) strerr_dief1x(111, "time uncertainty too large") ; } tain_add(&delta, &deltamax, &deltamin) ; tain_half(&delta, &delta) ; tain_sub(&delta, &delta, &deltaoffset) ; tain_pack(adj, &delta) ; if (allwrite(1, adj, TAIN_PACK) < TAIN_PACK) strerr_diefu1sys(111, "write to stdout") ; } return 0 ; }