
The s6-sudod program

s6-sudod receives command-line arguments, environment variables and standard descriptors from a peer s6-sudoc program over a Unix socket, then forks another program.


     s6-sudod [ -0 ] [ -1 ] [ -2 ] [ -s ] [ -t timeout ] [ sargv... ]


s6-sudod transmits its own environment to its child, plus the environment sent by s6-sudoc, filtered in the following manner: for every variable sent by s6-sudoc, if the variable is present but empty in s6-sudod's environment, then its value is overriden by the value given by s6-sudoc. A variable that is already nonempty, or that doesn't exist, in s6-sudod's environment, will not be transmitted to the child.


Usage example

The typical use of s6-sudod is in a local service with a s6-ipcserver process listening on a Unix socket, a s6-ipcserver-access process performing client authentication and access control, and possibly a s6-envdir process setting up the environment variables that will be accepted by s6-sudod. The following script, meant to be a run script in a service directory, will set up a privileged program:

#!/command/execlineb -P
fdmove -c 2 1
s6-envuidgid serveruser
s6-ipcserver -U -- serversocket
s6-ipcserver-access -v2 -l0 -i rules --
exec -c
s6-envdir env

This means that user clientuser running s6-sudo serversocket cargv will be able, if authorized by the configuration in rules, to run sargv cargv as user serveruser, with stdin, stdout, stderr and the environment variables properly listed in env transmitted to sargv.
