Changelog for s6-networking. In ---------- - Adaptation to skalibs- In ---------- - Compatibility with skalibs- - Conforming to the documentation, s6-tcpserver[46]d now prints its local port to stdout when it is ready, as a notification message. - Everything builds as PIC by default. In ---------- - Compatibility with skalibs- - Optional nsss support added. In ---------- - Bugfix release. - Compatibility with skalibs- In ---------- - Bugfix release. In ---------- - Added this NEWS file. :) - Major types overhaul to make them more POSIXly correct: compatibility with skalibs- - Fixed the "s6-tls[cd] does not die and the zombie application hangs around" bug. (It's really a workaround for a TCP bug.) - s6-tls[cd] ported to bearssl-0.3. Client certificates still not supported with BearSSL because Thomas is slooooooow at implementing the high-level server functions I asked him for :P - The meaning of the -Y option in s6-tlsd has changed: it now means "ask for an optional client certificate". Only valid with a LibreSSL backend for now.