
Quickstart for s6-linux-init


  1. Install all the s6-linux-init dependencies:
  2. Save and remove your old /etc/s6-linux-init directory, if you have one.
  3. Install s6-linux-init itself.
  4. Save your old /sbin/init, /sbin/telinit, /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/halt, /sbin/poweroff and /sbin/reboot binaries.
  5. Make sure you have a /run directory.
  6. Edit the scripts in /etc/s6-linux-init/skel.
  7. Check that your devtmpfs is automounted by your kernel at boot time. If it is not, add the -d 1 option to the s6-linux-init-maker command line below.
  8. As root, run:
         rm -rf /tmp/blah
         s6-linux-init-maker -1 -G "/sbin/getty 38400 tty1" /tmp/blah
         rm -rf /etc/s6-linux-init/current
         mv /tmp/blah /etc/s6-linux-init/current
         cp -a /etc/s6-linux-init/current/bin/* /sbin/ 
  9. Reboot.
  10. Congratulations! your machine is now running a s6-based init system.
  11. To shut the machine down, use /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/halt, /sbin/poweroff or /sbin/reboot as usual.