#!/command/execlineb -S0 # This initramfs is a stub. It just performs coldplug. # Since our rootfs shouldn't require a coldplug to be found, # we could do away with the initramfs, but we leave it as an example. /command/export PATH /command /command/cd / if { s6-echo "\n initramfs (minimal)\n" } if { s6-mount -wt sysfs sys /sys } if { s6-mount -wt proc proc /proc } if { s6-mount -wt devtmpfs dev /dev } if { /sbin/mdev -s } if { s6-mount -rt ext4 /dev/%%PARTITION%%1 /rootfs } if { s6-mount -o move /sys /rootfs/sys } if { s6-mount -o move /proc /rootfs/proc } if { s6-mount -o move /dev /rootfs/dev } cd /rootfs ./command/s6-envdir -I /etc/env ./command/if { ./command/pipeline { ./command/s6-ls -a -x rootfs / } ./command/forstdin -p -d"\n" i ./command/importas -u i i ./command/s6-rmrf /${i} } ./command/if { ./command/s6-mount -o move . / } ./command/s6-chroot . ./command/tryexec { /sbin/init $@ } ./command/tryexec { /bin/init $@ } /etc/init $@