The elgetopt program
elgetopt performs getopt-style parsing on the
arguments to an execline script.
elgetopt optstring prog...
- elgetopt expects to find a valid number n of
arguments in the # environment variable, and n+1
environment variables 0, 1, ..., n.
It exits 100 if it is not the case.
- elgetopt pushes
environment variables starting with ELGETOPT_. To get the
previous values back, use
emptyenv -o.
- elgetopt looks into 1, 2... for options,
as specified by optstring, which is a standard getopt
- If the -c switch is recognized, elgetopt
sets the ELGETOPT_c environment variable. The value
of that variable is the argument to the -c switch if
it has one, and 1 otherwise.
- After setting all recognized options, elgetopt makes
new #, 1, 2... "positional parameters" with
what remains.
- elgetopt then execs into prog....
- GNU-style options are not supported.